EvaLotta Freden, the photographer behind Los Angeles’ best street-style blog
HiStyley, was kind enough to photograph me outside of the
Gap 1969 design headquarters on Pico Boulevard earlier this month. You can check out her post about me
here on HiStyley. I’m horribly self-conscious about my appearance, which is why I run a street-style blog and not a personal style blog. Like many other women I am hyper-critical of my appearance. Posting photographs of myself is very scary for me, but I am lucky to have the encouragement of other fashion blogger friends.
This fear of my own photographs is ironic because I am a champion of individuality. One of the main reasons I started my blog was to show that beauty comes in all forms not just the cookie-cutter forms dictated by the fashion advertisements and popular media. It’s one of the reasons I look for stylish outfits on people of all types and not just those on beautiful women like other street-style photographers. Perhaps self-acceptance is a message that I am promoting because I am trying to internalize it myself. Classic case of projection, as the Freudians would say.
See what happens when you major in Psychology?
*P.S. I know I already did a previous outfit post with this look, but my stylist wanted me to wear it to the Vogue presentation at the Gap 1969 design studio. This was this outfit’s first time to be worn to a special event. Plus I wanted to promote Eva and her blog HiStyley.
I apologize for the brightness of the photograph, there was literally no shade on the back deck at Pico Loft.
K. Cooper Ray is the brilliant blogger behind the uber-successful fashion and society website
Social Primer. Under his alter-ego S.P., he writes about manners, personal style, and the proper way to drink alcohol. His audience is primarily male college undergraduates between the ages of 18 and 24. His website is especially popular on fraternity websites and forums, where he is frequently quoted as the internet’s authority on male etiquette.
K. Cooper Ray abandoned the bi-coastal life he led as Vice President at Bottega Veneta and now calls Charleston, South Carolina, his home. He remains an important fixture on the New York and Los Angeles social scenes. He positively adores Charleston with its emphasis on proper decorum and how the majority of men there aren’t afraid to experiment with color. We had a lovely conversation about how manners still play an important role within Southern culture. Not many of you know this, but as a teenager in Fayetteville, Arkansas, I attended Junior Cotillion classes several times a year where I learned proper social etiquette and ballroom dancing.
Perhaps his most noteworthy corporate collaboration to date, K. Cooper Ray designed a line of
exclusive bowties for Brooks Brothers under the Social Primer label. The bowties are legendary for selling out of stores quickly, so if you’re a man looking for a way to add great style to your wardrobe make sure to
purchase them online here.
Mimi Jung is the impossibly chic woman behind
Brook And Lyn. Not only is she a personal style blogger, she also designs incredible jewelry using rope and geodes like the necklace pictured here. You can follow Mimi on Twitter,
@BrookAndLyn, and be sure to ‘like’ her
page on Facebook.
On another note Mimi’s handbag is the new Reed Krakoff tote bag, which you can purchase here. I was a tad bit skeptical at first, but Mr. Krakoff’s pieces are slowly winning me over.