Matt "The Gaudy God" Kasin

Matt Kasin

Matt Cold

This past Friday I stopped by the Strange Beauty Show salon to get a manicure from The Gaudy God. He was a great sport (no doubt inspired by the outrageous antics of Lady Gaga) and readily agreed to step outside into the blizzard for an impromptu streetstyle photo session. How fabulous is his vintage coat and mink collar!

Matt is styling the window installation at the “Not Your Granny’s Panties” vintage shopping party. Kokorokoko, ChiTown VinTage, and The Gaudy God are joining forces for the event, which is being hosted by Eskell boutique at 1509 North Milwaukee on January 15th and 16th. On Saturday the event will be from 11am to 7pm, and on Sunday the event will be from 12pm to 5pm. Be sure to come out and score some fabulous vintage pieces!

The Gaudy God: Da Master of Nailz!

Matt at Salon
The Gaudy God in Action

I finally made it over to Strange Beauty Show salon (1118 North Ashland) to get my nails done by The Gaudy God himself, Matt Kasin. I’ve gotten to know him socially at underground fashion events and he is surprisingly approachable and down to earth for someone with such a fashionable and colorful personality. Matt has a heart of gold (which also happens to be both of our favorite color!) so it was really enjoyable to finally sit down with him one-on-one and talk fashion, pop culture, and the forces of celebrity.

Matt exudes warmth and is very easy to talk to – perfect qualities for a beautician to have. Personal stylists often serve a variety of functions beyond the usual business of beautifying, including pep talker, dating coach, and confidant. Kanye West has Cassius Marcellus Cornelius Clay, Jessica Simpson has Ken Paves, and now you can have The Gaudy God as your own personal celebrity-maker!

Matt Nail Polish
A Variety of Nail Lacquers

As you can see from the photo of my nails below, The Gaudy God is a talented manicurist in addition to his roles as a film student at Columbia College, fashion designer and underground vintage apparel vendor. He often co-hosts events along with SisterMan. Their next event is SPACE TRASH 2000 at Berlin nightclub on Monday, January 24th at 10pm. Check out the event info on Facebook.

My Sparkly Nailz!

Call the Strange Beauty Show salon at 773-252-9522 to make an appointment. Or you can take a chance and drop in Friday or Saturday afternoon on an impulse if you happen to be spending the day in Wicker Park, although it is best to still call ahead to make sure Matt is working.

Remington Messinger




Remington Messinger lives and breathes fashion. He is a fashion design student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, one of the world’s premier design and visual arts educational institutions. In addition to studying at SAIC, Remington is the apprentice to the creative stylist at the Ralph Lauren flagship store on Michigan Avenue. Chicago Magazine’s October 2010 issue contained an article about how the restaurant is beloved by Chicago’s high society. Quite the fortuitous beginning for someone passionate about building a career in fashion!