On Refinery29: Sarah & Polka Dots

My editor over at Refinery29, Shani Silver, summed up Sarah’s outfit more succinctly than I ever could. We all know how I like to ramble. You should probably click on over and read what she wrote! It goes without saying that Stella McCartney has pushed polka dots to the forefront of fashion this season, and Sarah shows us how to apply it to our everyday wardrobes without going overboard.

On Refinery29: Shelby Steiner

Running into Shelby Steiner is always a pleasant surprise. Our encounters at Chicago fashion events (or on the street!) are always too brief, but such is the nature of the fast-paced life of college student bloggers like ourselves. Whether it’s writing for a magazine or designing cutting-edge clothing, I know she’ll go far in life. Anyone who has had the pleasure of talking with Shelby about fashion and current events knows what a deeply insightful and enormously talented person she is. Hidden underneath all that amazing style is a truly wonderful human being!

On Refinery29: Aaliyah

Aaliyah has legs that go on for days.. and days.. and days.. Even without her trendy Jeffrey Campbell Lita platforms she would be extremely tall, which makes for quite an imposing presence on the streets. With height like that and a beautiful figure, Aaliyah was impossible to miss. The sun had already reached the horizon and I was heading home when I spotted her on Chicago Avenue, hence the strangely orange glow cast over the image. I always spot the best people when I least expect to. Street style is strange like that.

To view the original post on Refinery29, click here.

Aaliyah JC Lita
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