Lono Brazil of Le Sapeurs Row

Lono Amy
There are not enough superlatives in the English dictionary to describe how happy I feel when I look at this photo. I spotted Lono Brazil on Rush Street a few weeks ago and was saving his photo for a Monday post. When I saw him I thought to myself, “this must be how James Bond would dress on the weekend.” Everything about Mr. Brazil’s look is sharp, from his killer sunglasses down to the precisely cuffed jeans. His facial hair should be held up as an example to all young men on how to correctly groom a beard.

Turns out he’s a blogger too. Make sure to check out his Tumblr, Le Sapeurs Row.

On Refinery29: Ben, Ruggedly Handsome

Ben Amy
Ben’s street style photo was featured on Refinery29 yesterday thanks to his rugged good looks and great sense of style. See, you don’t always have to dress like Lenny Kravitz to be photographed by me (although it does help…)

Thank you Shani Silver for bringing alerting me to the awesome movement known as Movember, which encourages men to grow moustaches throughout the month of November to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other male diseases. To learn more, visit Movember.com.

To visit Ben’s photo on Refinery29, click here!

Valentin, French Style in Chicago

Valentin and his adorable girlfriend Clara were visiting Chicago from France where they live. I thought the pattern on his sweater was perfect for a man. It was just the right touch, the way it flows over his shoulders and upper chest, without being overbearing. Why are so many straight men afraid to wear bold colorful patterns, plaid excluded? Leave it to a French man to show them how it’s done.

Both Clara and Valentin had wonderful things to say about Chicago. Tourists who are visiting Chicago are usually full of compliments for our city:

“Your city is so clean! The architecture is unbelievable! The people are so friendly!”

When I rave about how awesome Chicago is on my blog, I’m a tiny bit biased because I choose to live here over anywhere else in the United States. I’m not from the Midwest originally, I moved to the Great Lakes region from Arkansas to attend Michigan State University. I fell in love with the region and stayed. I always joke that I could never live in New York again, but I also could never live in a city smaller than Chicago. So I guess I’m stuck inside the perfect city.