Archive for March, 2012

Blogger Spotlight: Melissa of Stylissh

Blogger Spotlight: Melissa of Stylissh

March 13, 2012

 chicago street style

I randomly met Melissa of the blog Stylissh this past weekend while street-style hunting in the Gold Coast. My eyes zeroed in on her Rag&Bone skinny jeans in the exact same shade of cobalt blue that I own. Great minds thing alike, eh? I started my whole spiel before she interrupted me to say that she reads my blog. Every time this happens it makes me so happy that I have such an amazing group of readers and that you’re all so stylish!

chicago street style

Check out Melissa’s blog and follow her on Twitter @melissadauri

Katey Meyer

Katey Meyer

March 11, 2012

chicago street style

I am so sorry for the lack of updating everyone! In the past 20 months, this is the first time I’ve gone longer than one day without posting. This past week was also the first week that I’ve worked 40 hours at a *gasp* real job with an 8-5 schedule. I love being a professional writer now, but I’m so exhausted at the end of the day that the LAST thing I was to do is stare at a screen. This is just an adjustment period – I’m not going to lie, for the past two years I have gleefully slept in until noon, stayed up until 3 a.m., with no consequences. Waking up at 7 a.m. like the rest of the world is going to take some getting used to. Notwithstanding the fact that I’m still a full-time student with night classes. So yes, I am tired.

chicago street style

Just as warm weather prepares to hit, I thought I’d post this photo of the strikingly beautiful Katey Meyer. I WISH I looked as cute as her in a beanie, the accessory I’m most obsessed with at the moment. I’m going to be sad when it’s 80 degrees out and I can’t wear a beanie anymore. That is why I live in Chicago and not Arkansas… I’m a cold weather girl through and through!

Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour

March 8, 2012