VIDEO: Sh*t Chicagoans Say
My mom called me tonight to ask if I’d seen this video. I hadn’t. She told me she laughed her ass off because I’ve sounded like this at various points over the past four years. I thought I’d repost it for everyone else who hasn’t seen the “Sh*t Chicagoans Say” video. Yes, it should be named “Sh*t White Northsider Transplants Say in Lakeview” but you’re never going to please everyone or capture the enormous diversity of Chicago in a two-minute video.
In fact, my first reaction was that this video was making fun of the stereotypical white Lakeview transplant from Michigan. I never saw this video as trying to speak for the whole city. I honestly just saw a fun spoof of the sheltered Lakeview transplants (like me when I first moved to Chicago from Michigan).
I would like to see someone make a “Sh*t Southside Chicagoans Say” or a “Sh*t Westside Chicagoans Say.” Someone could even do videos specific to each neighborhood. Chicago is so vast, it’s like a world unto itself, with each neighborhood like its own city. All of us know that the diversity of perspectives is what makes Chicago a great city.
I agree, they should do one for, Rogers Park, Humbolt Park and Pilsen 🙂
Living in Humboldt Park, I find myself saying, “No, you won’t get mugged in Humboldt Park” about 100 times a day.
I did live in lakeview and this did sound like what they say there (THANK GOD I MOVED…I WAS ON THE CUSPE OF WRIGLEYVILLE, SAD TIMES…)
but c’mon…”bus tracker said 5 mins 8 mins ago” WE ALL BEEN THERE..
as ps….we all sing Luna and Empire songs…but my friends were like NO TILE OUTLET??????
Post isn’t defensive enough.