Check it out! Shop Influence featured yours truly and this fabulous website in their Personal Style series. Click the link below to read more about me and how I run Chicago Street Style Scene.
Amy: I have a quick question for you, I’m Amy Creyer from Chicago Street Style Scene. First of all, congratulations on your excellent earnings report.
Terry: Thank you.
Amy: I know in retail it’s been very difficult with the recession.
Terry: Thank you, thank you. Thank you for knowing that.
Amy: I just read your 10Q last night.
Terry: Oh ok, great!
Amy: My brother is an investment banker and he insisted I read it before meeting you. So I wanted to ask you how GLAMORAMA fits in with your market localization efforts, especially here in the Midwest.
Terry: It fits in very well, because we only do this size of an event in four cities in America. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Chicago. We try to tailor this exactly to the Chicago consumer, and I hope that you’ll see tonight that there’s something on this runway for everyone. I mean it’s a very wide and broad selection, and it’s very wide and broad price points. So I think you’re going to see all of that tonight. That’s the big picture of this, the show.
If you go into our stores, any of our stores, you will find products for you. You’ll find products that are specifically for you. And you’ll find that what’s on State Street is even different from what you’ll find at Water Tower. What you find at Water Tower is different than what you’ll find at Northbrook. We’re really trying very hard to tailor the assortments to the specific customers living and shopping in each one of our stores. Now that’s something that I don’t think can be done by almost any national retailer. The specialty stores do that well, if they have one or two stores with buyers living in the market, but it’s very hard for big companies to do that, and I think that’s why we’re winning.
Amy: Absolutely. Thank you so much.
Terry: You’re welcome.
Amy: I just have one question – what’s it like as a designer to go between really glamorous work to something more minimalist like what you did for Meryl Streep?
Chris: You know, actually it’s kind of funny. People have been asking me that, like “how did I do the stuff – that I do like my wild costume designs and stuff like I did for tonight’s show, and stuff like, more sleek like Meryl Streep’s dress?” I guess you have different gears, and know who you’re designing for, and what they want, what they need, and listen. And, you know, I guess I just can do both, I don’t know.
Amy: That’s a great response. Thank you.
Chris: Thanks.