Archive for October, 2010



Coyote is the owner of Labrabbit Optics, a super cool vintage and fashion-forward eyewear emporium. Click here to visit his website, or better yet visit the store at 1104 North Ashland.

Alexandra and her Clock Purse

How cool is Alexandra’s clock purse? The clock isn’t just for show. It actually tells time!

Sasha of Kokorokoko Vintage


Sasha Hodges is the owner of Kokorokoko Vintage, a hip vintage clothing boutique specializing in pieces from the 1980s and 1990s. How cool is her Keith Haring-inspired shirt? For more blasts from the past, drop into the store (1112 North Ashland) or check out the Kokorokoko Blog. Sasha is also a stylist, and you can view her portfolio here.