Keith… Neon Comeback
Neon was cool for a hot minute. Then when all the major apparel manufacturers decided to trim everything from mom jeans to fanny packs with acid bright colors, let’s just say neon lost its cache. Well it’s back around, and this time it’s here to stay. If there’s anything that defines the 2010s, it’s the lack of a defined ‘look’ for the current era. These days, we all find style inspiration in various subcultures, timeframes, and a variety of retailers. I’d say that’s one of the best things to evolve out of the social/digital revolution. With the rise of the Internet, it’s easy to be influenced by lots of different sources – and not just what you see on TV.
Keith’s look is a great example of this cultural shift. Out of pieces culled from past and present, he created a style that’s wholly his own. And damn if those aren’t a badass pair of Nikes. Couldn’t resist.