Nicola in Rodarte
Few collections are as instantly recognizable as early Rodarte. I only own one true Rodarte piece, a cobwebby sweater from 2008 that I picked up at Tokio7 last year while trawling the East Village with Rhianna. I probably should have followed Nicola’s lead and worn it for SAIC’s THE WALK 2013, where Kate and Laura Mulleavy were presented with the Legend of Fashion award for their innovative and deeply creative work at Rodarte.
Since I was shooting street-style I went for an athletic look in Ohne Titel and Junya Watanabe, two lines that are a match made in heaven – or at least my wardrobe. One of these days I’m going to just wear my Rodarte sweater to work and do the most mundane things like errands, because few things are more glamorous than wearing exquisite clothing during everyday life. After all, isn’t that the point of street style?
Tokio7 is in the East Village not Lower East Side. Above Houston EV below LES
This is beautiful! I love how her hair goes with the look.