Keilon is another example of the resurgence of the Gentleman look on the streets of Chicago. This polished aesthetic has become the provenance of either the very young or the much older. Baby boomers, for whom the ability to chair a boardroom meeting in jeans is the ultimate expression of sartorial power, are lost in between. It’s rare to see someone between 45 and 60 years old sporting this look, but I see this – or elements of the Gentlemen – in virtually all fashion-forward young men these days.

Or take my friend Jeff over at
The Midwestyle fashion blog for another example of how young twenty-something males are taking the sort of pride in their appearance that their parents never did. Above is a detail shot of Jeff’s bowtie etched with tiny little skulls. I photographed him for a Refinery29 project that will be released in mid-July, so I am not able to share with you his entire look just yet. I encourage you to stop by
The Midwestyle to see more of Jeff’s personal style and to learn more about men’s fashion. Their blog has been educating me for months on the subtleties of men’s style. I’m sure you’ll discover something new yourself.
Anna is wearing a floral print maxi dress she purchased at one of Chicago’s coolest vintage boutiques, Kokorokoko. I love the way her hair is casually undone to the point of messiness. The white belt, low key accessories, and nude flats keep the focus on the dress, which carries the look. Oh, and a perfect complexion never hurts either.

In the latest installment of “things Amy loves best about being a street-style photographer,” this post of Dale Jeffries takes the cake. I first heard of Dale when he started following me on Twitter, because he always had such nice to things to say about my blog. I had no idea what he looked like since his Tumblr doesn’t contain photos of himself. So when I was stalking the stylish outside of Barneys (like every day of my life) I saw this impeccably dressed young man walking out with a friend. I snapped into action and gave the whole “can I take your photo” spiel.
Imagine my surprise when Dale exclaimed “Oh my god you’re Amy from, I am obsessed with your blog! We follow each other on Twitter, I’m Dale!” Everything clicked, because I knew that Dale has an obsession of all things Rick Owens, and he was wearing a Rick Owens DRKSHDW leather bomber jacket. Chicago needs more men like Dale, who appreciate the importance of fine design in fashion (and the magic of Rick Owens).
Follow Dale on Twitter, @Le_Smoking, read his blog Pheasants & Vultures, and tumble on his Tumblr Le Smoking.